How hard is it to adopt the CRISP™ Method?

Because CRISP™ was intentionally designed to leverage your existing technology investments, the necessity (and time and resources required) to perform pre-purchase technical due diligence and post-purchase platform deployment and training/administration, disappears. Detailed plans* for aligning your current application stack with CRISP™ data schemas, are included as part of the Method.

Listen to what an actual colleague had to say when asked … §


Culturally, if your organization values process improvement, adopting the few but critical behavioral and data management changes needed to realize the full benefit of optimizing how execution is performed, should go smoothly and quickly. Customizable presentations targeting key audiences introducing CRISP™ are included.

Lastly, CRISP™’s detailed step-by-step protocols provide straightforward guidance, including caveats, potential points of friction and options on how to mitigate their related risks.

Of course, advisory and support services are available at any point during adoption to make the transition as effortless as possible. [CRISP™ Services Page]

*Note to IT organizations: as part of the full Method subscription a detailed adoption recommendation is produced based on a least-cost use of the specified technology ecosystem. Included in the recommendation is an analysis of where CRISP™ Key Artifact data schemas can be implemented along with step-by-step, application-specific, configuration instructions to seamlessly incorporate key CRISP™ data into your environment. More good news: in some cases, Key Artifact data may already exist in a usable form.

§ Colleague testimonials are in their own words (but not voices), edited for length, and rendered as avatars for confidentiality.