While training is not a prerequisite for successfully adopting and using CRISP™, it is an excellent accelerator. Training is offered in the following units (ranked in order of duration):
- Executive – 1, 45 minute session
- Purpose: Executive training stresses the importance of participation and their impact and influence on Method compliance.
- Audience: Steering Committee members and any executives directly involved in producing deliverables for the initiative. This includes yes or no (go, no go) decisions, even if only one, gatekeeping decision is required.
- Colleague SMEs – 2, 1 hour sessions over 2 days
- Purpose: SMEs are the heart of any transaction’s success and proper training can ensure they are successful.
- Audience: Any/all SMEs regardless of Work-stream or role if they will be producing or consuming deliverables.
- Work-stream Leads — 3, 1 hour sessions, over 3 days
Purpose: Work-stream leads play a critical role in maintaining synchronization and mitigating delivery performance issues.
Audience: All Work-stream Leads and their substitutes - IMO/PMO staff – 4, 1 hour sessions over 4 days
Purpose: Fully realizing the optimization potential the Method provides needs guidance best delivered by the IMO or equivalent.
Audience: Named Initiative Administrator(s) and support staff.
Training is context-priced per tier, depending on how the Method is to be used. Agendas are available on request.