
While adopting CRISP™ is straightforward, the following services are available to support your optimization:

Initial Viability Analysis and Recommendation

From Merriam-Webster: Viability refers to the ability of something to live, grow, and develop, or to function adequately. In this context, it means the capacity to succeed or be sustained in an organizational sense..

Detailed Viability Analysis and Recommendation

Would you buy a house without an inspection? Maybe. But if there's a bank (CFO/CIO) involved, definitely not. Learn how this CRISP™ service can provide context-specific analysis and recommendations for your specific situation.


M&A transactions can be complicated to execute. Sometimes adoption is problematic, sometimes it's the initiative itself. Assistance is always available.


Everybody needs some help now and then.


It's a lie to say that CRISP™ can be adopted with absolutely no training. It's the truth to say that very little training is needed to achieve success.

Method Check-ups

When was the last time you got a free check-up?

Bespoke Customer Solution Design

Some organizations might feel compelled to have their very own copy of the method to tailor to their specific needs. This service is for you.